I thought about calling this blog “My Book.” I doubt it will really be a book, it will probably be more like a brochure. Or one of those wide-ruled journals you have to keep in grade school for an assignment. But whatever it is, I’m writing it. I hope it will give my brain some exercise. It will probably take me a while to get going, I expect these first few entries will be rubbish. Did you know that according to the United Nations a document has to be at least 49 pages long in order to be classified as a book?
Specifically I hope that writing will help me understand the separation between my work and my life, between the thinking I do for money and the thinking I do to improve my self-worth. Maybe it’s more about the differences between producing ideas and experiencing ideas. Kind of silly and vague but something to think about. I’m going to try and avoid ethereal nonsense when at all possible.
(My drawer smells like silkworms. I hope I’m not forgetting something important. I don’t think I’ve seen a silkworm since 1992 but I can still imagine exactly how they smell.)
I need something to say.
I also need a better title for this blog.
1 Comment to Sunrise
by Sara on October 21, 2008 at 1:27 pm
I think you should call it “areas of my expertise” but there might be copyright infringements involved.